We are pleased to invite you to establish a local State chapter of National Voter Connection (Voter Connection) in your area. Chapter development unites the applied local community in a common purpose and enables the profession to advance its goals in a meaningful, and powerful, direction.
Voter Connection's network of affiliate Chapters provides a gathering place for education, roundtable discussion, conversation and problem solving at the state and national level. Voter Connection helps its Chapters get started by providing a Formation Guide that explains the progressive process of chapter formation requirements to begin formal recognition as a Chapter.
For further information, please contact charter@nationalvoterconnection.org
Affiliate Chapters of Voter Connection benefit from direct access to:
- Advocacy on State and Federal level
- Established a National Cost Savings for the members
- An accredited formally recognized Certification Program.
- Rebates and revenue sharing opportunities to support Chapter education, certification, and networking events at the local level.
- Assistance in recruiting speakers on purchasing related topics.
- Member prospect listings and mailing labels.
- Promotional/marketing materials.
- Maximum opportunities to link and co-market Chapter events on the National's award-winning web site.
- Access to low or no-cost legal consulting and incorporation services.
- Discount and / or No Cost services for the membership such as Coupon Marketing, Call Center resources, Internet, Merchant processing, Telecommunication, and etc.
- Established award criteria and recognition programs.
- Leadership/skills training.
- Voter Connection Chapters shall have the right for its Chapter President to cast one vote on behalf of their Chapter on any matter brought before the National Voter Connection Association.
- Established, uniform domestic and internationally accepted programs and services intended for promoting public purchasing excellence, effectiveness and increasing the public trust.
Click here for a Chapter directory